Concrete underwater with a Tremie Pipe
Tremie Pipes are used for underwater concreting. A Tremie Pipe is a watertight vertical pipe extending from the water surface to the bottom of a placement. It is used to pump concrete below the water surface during concreting operations.
Tremie Pipes are available in various diameters and lengths, but usually have about 250mm inside diameter, with a conical hopper at its upper end. Its upper end sits above water level and is used to pour concrete underwater in a way that predicates washout of cement due to water in motion. It may have a loose plug or a valve at the bottom end. Using a tremie method produces a more reliable strength of the fresh concrete for underwater foundations and the like. During pumping of concrete, the lower end of the Tremie stays submerged in concrete. The build-up of concrete around a Tremie is unaffected by the flow of water under the surface of water. It’s important the concrete flows at a rate that ensures it doesn’t set inside the Tremie.
Common applications of Tremies involve foundations for pylons used in bridges, pilings, and monitoring well. The Tremie concrete placement method is also used when constructing cofferdams, dikes, diaphragm walls, bulkheads, and seawalls.
Our Tremies are made of the highest quality steel and are manufactured in Australia. We have a variety of sizes available and are always stocked up to ensure we can meet last minute orders as necessary.